“Days of Thunder” immerses viewers in the exhilarating world of high-speed racing, bringing to life the intense energy of screeching tires and thunderous engines. The film masterfully conveys the adrenaline rush of rapid acceleration, making the audience feel as if they are in the driver’s seat. Every twist and turn on the track is depicted with vivid detail, and the driver’s eyes gleam with unrestrained satisfaction and determination. The excitement and passion of racing are palpable, drawing viewers into the heart-pounding action and competitive spirit that define the sport.
This art poster is available in 3 different sizes:
A0 = 1189 x 841 mm zu 42,-€
A1 = 841 x 594 mm zu 38,-€
A2 = 594 x 420 mm zu 35,- €
Make your choice
€36,00 – €42,00